A review of Southmere Primary School by Amir ali written on Wednesday 13th of April 2011
This school was the best. all the teachers and students worked well together. my name is amir ali i left in 2008. i remembver most of the teachers they were really nice, kind and helpful. most of them must have left by now, the teachers: mr collins, mrs nichols, mrs benn, mrs pickles, mrs greenwod, mrs jacques, mrs khan, and na couple more cant remember them from the top of my head, i really miss this school wish i could come back someday and meet most of the teachers. oh yeah and not to mention the headteacher. mrs, mr lawson ad mr duxbury!!! i wish all the teachers the best and to all the kids enjoy it as much as you can because theres no going back!!
thank you
amir ali.
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