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"Do you think you're going mad"

A review of Thornton Medical Centre by Friend of thornton written on Friday 22nd of May 2015


Hi, if like me, you think you're going mad or getting forgetful as the receptionist tells you, that you've missed your appointment or you didn't have one for that day or time, after making the effort too attend. . No you're not going daft. It's the doctors who change or cancel appointments, and the receptionist try and succeed, too cover up for them. It was only Tuesday when the receptionist told me that I hadn't an appoint for that day and time, but I knew I had' And armed with the appointment card, she said, lets have a look on the computer, low and behold my appointment was cancelled bye whome or why, she couldn't tell me, as it wasn't on the screen. This has happened too me numorous times, and on the Wednesday it happened again to me and I overheard the receptionist going through the same old bull with an elderly couple, I remarked it's not only me. I was addiment I see a doctor I did see one but she made me another appointment and at the same time made me an appointment with foot clinic in Allerton.I arrived at the surgary ten minutes early, after waiting half an hour I knocked on the door but no reply so I went to reception and asked, they knocked and once again no answer, it seemed her car was gone. So asked two ladies what time their appointments for one of the ladies said quarter to three and she had a text to remind her that day. So it cost me £12 round trip in a taxi .I don't know about one star being poor it's worse than poor.

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Thornton Medical Centre

Map showing Thornton Medical Centre on Craven Avenue