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"Dismiss the admin Assirtant in time for Christmas"

A review of Ryecroft Primary School by TT written on Tuesday 15th of December 2009


Well there's been a lot of comments , and heres one from me. If as reported in the newspapers the parent Mrs Watson spoke to the wrong person , then cleary it is the ' wrong person for the job ' and she should be dismissed for two reasons 1 not having the intelligence to do the job properly and not being sensible enough to verify the information she was giving out. Had she checked the position with someone none of this would have happened. As for the rest of the staff - why did they let this happen to a child. There are a lot of people who say an appology is not good enough and these children should be ' treated ' at the schools expense or even the teachers expense to something really special to make up for this. The school probably works hard to achieve a lot , however they have achieved a lot of bad (and deserved) publicity. The head has been very quiet on this one - get your head out of the sand instead of releasing a ' school statement ' from un-named. Hope ALL the staff and admin assistant responsible have a few sleepless nights over xams and to the children and Mum concerned - maybe look at taking your children out of this school next year because I have a feeling they are going to be subjected to a bit of unfairness due to the situation they are in , and the school would hold them personally responsible for the bad feeling of MANY people in this matter. GOOD LUCK to ALL the family and have the best time you can under these sad circumstances of your loss. .

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Ryecroft Primary School

Map showing Ryecroft Primary School on Kesteven Close
