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"Scrooge is alive and well!"

A review of Ryecroft Primary School by A mother written on Tuesday 15th of December 2009


I have read the reports regarding the 2 children who were denied their Christmas party due to tking time off after the death of their father.

Assuming that the reports are true, I must say that I am absolutely disgusted with the school's stance on this.

Whilst I accept that schools should do all they can to keep attendance levels up, to have a blanket ban on attanding a party due to sickness of the child or the death of a family member - both of which are completely beyond the children's control is barbaric.

Ebenezer would be proud.

The head should feel totally ashamed, as presumably it is he/she who put this practice into place, as should any other staff who so blindly followed this rule without using their common sense and questioning the validity of the decision.

The buck stops with the head I am afraid, and the recruitment process to find a more caring replacement for a more caring person should start immediatly..

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Ryecroft Primary School

Map showing Ryecroft Primary School on Kesteven Close
