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Johnson Street

Johnson Street is a street in East Bradford with a small number of businesses.


Johnson Clothing

Johnson Clothing is a manufacturer of various fabrics and clothing items.

Address: Kyme Mill, Johnson Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 8HW


Lifestyles offers a range of exercise and fitness facilities and classes for those wanting to keep fit or lose weight.

Address: Kyme Mill, Johnson Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 8HW

Spruce Work & Leisure Wear

Workwear and Protective Equipment

Address: Kyme Mills, Johnson Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 8HW

Spruce Work & Leisurewear

Spruce Work & Leisurewear is a firm of embroiders who offer an embroidery service for various different fabrics.

Address: Johnson Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 8HW


Map showing Johnson Street in Bradford.
